The history of Science Parks of Southern Denmark

The history of the Science Parks of Southern Denmark is long and somewhat intricate.

Read our story below.

The beginning

The beginning

Science Parks of Southern Denmark began as an idea inside the heads of a group of leading businessmen in Odense – an idea to support both the world of research and the companies in need of the latest knowledge and know-how.

By establishing a science park where researchers, innovators and companies in need of knowledge can live together and meet, we want to speed up the process of knowledge sharing and strengthen the acquaintance of and collaboration between the world of science and the business world.


1991 – The foundation Science Parks of Southern Denmark was created

As we all know, things take time and quite a few years passed by before the first buildings were ready and Forskerparken slowly came into being, but in 1991 the first generation of what would become The Foundation Science Parks of Southern Denmark was established. So we date our birth to 1991.


The Foundation Science Parks of Southern Denmark today

Foundations build their business on a deed of foundation, which sets the framework for the foundation’s work. The Foundation Science Parks of Southern Denmark must, according to our deed, strengthen research and innovation by supplying buildings, know-how and resources for research activities, development and innovation – preferably by establishing strong competency networks for other agencies that promote business.

Furthermore, we must secure opportunities for start-up companies that will benefit the area covered by the Foundation’s activities.


Two divisions in Odense

Right in the centre of Denmark and right in the centre of Campus Odense you find Forskerparken and Videnbyen today as two attractive divisions bridging to the large research institutions in our backyard. We have several companies working with health- and welfare technology, robotics and health data as their core product and the level of innovation is high. The location, the neighbours and the tenants in Forskerparken and Videnbyen make it very attractive for new companies working in health, technology and innovation.


The board

Science Parks of Southern Denmark is a commercial foundation with the purpose of operating innovation- and research parks in the region of Southern Denmark and supporting entrepreneurship and knowledge-heavy industries such as robot- and welfare technology, design, IT, green energy and health and environment.

The foundation Science Parks of Southern Denmark works purposefully on being a centre of excellence for procuring the transfer of knowledge, bridge-building, and the establishment of communities between research- and educational institutions and private and public companies within a wide range of health-, technology-, advisory- and start-up companies, which are the tenant population in Science Parks of Southern Denmark.

Based on the physical framework in Forskerparken and in Videnbyen, both owned by Ejendomsselskabet Den Fynske Forskerpark A/S, Science Parks of Southern Denmark strengthen and develop the base for innovation and development in Forskerparken and in the Campus Odense area.

Contact us

Kristoffer Dunne direktør i Syddanske Forskerparker

Kristoffer Dunne


Tlf.: +45 2979 4479

Birthe Friis, direktør hos Syddanske Forskerparker,

Birthe Friis Mortensen


Tlf.: +45 3090 0774

Kirsten ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Kirsten Slæbæk Jensen


Tlf.: +45 2127 9496

Peter ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Peter Therkelsen


Tlf.: +45 5190 9181

Birte ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Birte Præst

Management assistant

Tlf.: +45 2025 0129

Michael ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Mikael Bjerring

IT & operations/data

Tlf.: +45 2441 0825

Anja ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Anja Højfeldt Jespersen

Communications and marketing

Tlf.: +45 2339 9952

Mette ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Mette Henriksen

Reception Forskerparken

Tlf.: +45 6315 7209

Mari ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Mari Vera Birkeslund

Events and Information Videnbyen

Tlf.: +45 6315 7101

Kim ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Kim Nielsen

Technical services coordination

Tlf.: +45 2487 4006

Nicolai ansat i Syddanske Forskerparker

Nikolai Løkkegaard

Technical Services

Tlf.: +45 2194 4555

Lars medarbejder i Syddanske Forskerparker

Lars Ladegaard Justesen

Teknisk Service

Tlf.: +45 2925 3796